An untitled Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) painting from 1986, valued at $100,000, is the highlight of the Urban Scrawl sale that will run on Artnet from September 17-26.
Basquiat was one of the earliest street artists to make the shift from the street to the gallery, exhibiting his neo-expressionist and primitivist paintings throughout the 1980s.
In May of this year his Dustheads sold for $48.8m at Christie's in New York - a record price for the artist.
Two works by Banksy will also feature at the sale. Barely Legal is a full six piece archival set of screen-printed works produced for the artist's 2006 exhibition of the same name in Los Angeles. It carries an estimate of $50,000.
Kate Moss, valued at $42,000, is an image of the model in the style of Andy Warhol's Marilyn Diptych.
Banksy is one of the world's best known street artists, famous for his stencilled murals that usually contain elements of black humour. In 2008, Keep it Spotless, a Damien Hirst canvas defaced by Banksy, sold for $1.9m - a record price for his work.
Also appearing at the auction is a work by Faile titled Stories of Love (2008). Faile is the pseudonym of Brooklyn based street artists Patrick McNeill and Patrick Miller. Their work explores themes of mass media and popular culture through the techniques of appropriation and collage. The work is valued at $32,000.
In 2011, a Faile canvas titled Shanghai 13 sold for £28,750 ($46,230) at Sotheby's London against a £25,000 ($40,400) high estimate.
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Images: Artnet