
Autographs: 2016 auction review
Let's take a look at the ups and downs of the autograph market this year

Muhammad Ali's Nelson Mandela letter hits $9,000
Muhammad Ali's letter of condolence to Nelson Mandela sold over the weekend

Muhammad Ali's Nelson Mandela letter to make $10,000?
Muhammad Ali wrote to Nelson Mandela from Durban in April 1993

Greta Garbo signed photograph to beat $15,000?
Early Hollywood actress Greta Garbo very rarely signed photographs

Handwritten Anne Frank poem hammers for $149,000
The handwritten Anne Frank poem almost triples its estimate

JFK presidential campaign notes offered with $25,000 opening bid
JFK wrote these presidential campaign notes on his private plane

Garland-Sinatra love letter selling at RR Auction
A love letter from Judy Garland to Frank Sinatra will sell on November 17

Handwritten Anne Frank poem offered in Dutch sale
Anne Frank composed the handwritten poem for a friend

US presidential candidates' autographs: whose is worth more?
The JustCollecting PFC40 Autograph Index ranks the signatures of the US presidential candidates

Alexander Hamilton document archive will auction at Sotheby's
An archive of documents relating to Alexander Hamilton could make $2.5m

George Washington land survey sells for $32,000
A land survey carried out by George Washington led a sale at Skinner

9/11 New York Times signed by five presidents makes $11,000
The presidents, including George W Bush, signed the 9/11 issue of the New York Times at a memorial service