A signed letter from King Henry VIII is the star lot in RR Auction's latest sale, which will close on July 17.
![]() Richard Gresham was an important figure in 16th century London, who began working for the king at the outset of his reign |
The online-only sale has already attracted $17,717 for the rare letter, which sees Henry VIII addressing the treasurer of the chamber in the early years of his reign.
He writes to Sir John Heron on November 22, 1512, giving permission to extend an obligation upon the London merchants Richard Gresham and William Copland to pay 3,000 within three months.
It reads, "wherfore we woll and commaunde you to see that neither they ne any of theire suerties susteigne any losse or dammage, by force of the said obligacion, for lak of noon payment of the said money tyll Ester next commyng."
Richard Gresham was a liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Mercers, who supplied fine textiles and luxury goods to the king. He later became sheriff of London and Middlesex in 1531, before graduating to lord mayor in 1537 and being elected to parliament for the City of London.
Paul Fraser Collectibles is also offering a selection of King Henry VIII signed manuscripts, including this Henry VIII-signed petition, which is of a size seldom seen among royal documents - its 20 x 11.5 inch dimensions making it a hugely desirable piece for the Tudor enthusiast.