Books & Manuscripts

Steve Jobs signed Apple founding contract auctions 'for $150,000' at Sotheby's
A 1976 manuscript signed by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs could bring $150,000 in Sotheby's auction

Tintin cartoons signed by moonwalkers float to $132,400 at Artcurial auction
Artcurial's highly successful Tintin auction starred a book signed by moonwalkers including Buzz Aldrin

Winston Churchill documents sell at three-figure sums - including from his funeral
A Churchill wartime letter could auction for a low price - and we have our own rare documents in stock

John Lennon's handwritten note-to-self is worth remembering at Gotta Have It
The 'to-do list' note, handwritten by John Lennon, mentions marmalade, cats and a cursed diamond

Sotheby's auctions Raymond Chandler classic 'Big Sleep' and other books
This December, Sotheby's Fine Books sale will include rare editions of Raymond Chandler's Big Sleep

Julien Green's Leviathan manuscript expected to make a monstrous $239,000
A handwritten manuscript of Julien Green's 'a terrible and hopeless romance' Leviathan is to sell

Abraham Lincoln 'white rabbits' letter is worth following to this California sale
A letter to a kind benefactor who gifted white rabbits to Abraham Lincoln's bereaved son is auctioning

Original Tintin artwork showcased at Artcurial's 'Universe of Herge' auction
Books, toys, original artwork, a statue of Tintin and even moonwalkers' autographs are on offer

Rabindranath Tagore poems manuscripts auction at Sotheby's New York
Manuscripts by Rabindranath Tagore, who reshaped Bengal's literature, poems and music, are up for sale

George Washington's Inaugural Address manuscript stirs collectors to $182,000
The handwritten piece by George Washington from his undelivered inaugural address sold at Christie's

Rare Revolutionary War Map could show collectors to $1.5m at Christie's
Drawn by Charles de Gironcourt, this map dates to 1780, the time of America's Revolutionary War

Lehman Brothers Stock Certificate #1 sells for $33,100 at auctioneer HWPH
Proof that Lehman Brothers stock certificates are worth more than the shares they're written about...