If you're a regular reader of these blogs, I think it's safe to assume this:
You have a real passion for history.
A deep desire to own objects that connect you to the past.
And the more you know, the more you want to learn.
It's not just a casual hobby. It's something you feel in your bones.
But if someone asks you to explain that feeling, it's hard to put it into words. I have the same problem right now.
Because today's item gives you that extraordinary sense of history. It's electrifying just to hold it your hands...
But words alone don't seem to do it justice.
So I'll simply say this.

As a bloody Civil War threatened to tear his nation apart...
Abraham Lincoln looked down at this piece of paper.
A military comission for a loyal soldier in his Union Army.
He picked up a pen from his desk...
And just two months after he signed the Emancipation Proclamation...
He signed this document with the same hand.
If that doesn't send a tingle down your spine, you should probably stop reading here.
But if like me, the thought of holding this document in your hands gives you goosebumps...
Let's continue.
A magnificent display piece.

Partially printed on vellum and measuring 13.5 inches by 17.25 inches.
It features the bold heading "The President of the United States of America" with elaborate engravings of an American Eagle, the motto "E Pluribus Unum", military cannons and the U.S flag.
The original blue paper War Department seal also remains intact.
For its age, this document remains in good condition.
It features storage folds, with some toning and wrinkling, and some of the handwritten text has slightly faded over time.
But these imperfections are forgivable. And anyone who sees this document in person will agree:
This is a beautiful piece of genuine American history.
An indelible name through history.

It's one of the most significant autographs you can own.
And it's becoming increasingly scarce.
Especially on large display-worthy documents like this.
Because people have been collecting Abraham Lincoln memorabilia ever since he became President in 1861.
And over the years, many of his signatures have been clipped from their original settings.
Now a cut Lincoln autograph is still a fine thing to own.
But a fully intact document like this is something much greater.
Because it doesn't simply preserve a rare signature.
It also preserves the story that comes with it.
One man's story amongst millions.

Records show that McDill (1815-1889) was a native of Crawford County, Pennsylvania who moved to Wisconsin in 1840.
He ran lumbering, sawmill, and mercantile businesses in the town of Plover, and later served as a county judge and member of the Wisconsin state assembly.
McDill's story may not be important on the grand scale.
But it represents the millions of ordinary men who stepped up to serve their country when it needed them most.
And in a small way, this document helps us remember them all.
Invest in Lincoln's legacy.

And I know you're likely collecting with an eye on long-term value.
So rest assured.
Abraham Lincoln's legacy as President is literally set in stone, from the Lincoln Memorial to the face of Mount Rushmore.
People have avidly collected his signature and personal memorabilia for more than 150 years. And these items only become rarer over time.
The market is so large it has its own category title, Lincolniana.
And in the past 12 months alone, major sales have included:
- A Lincoln 1862 signed bank cheque sold for $100,000.
- A pair of Ford's Theatre tickets used on the night of his assassination, sold for $262,500.
- A signed military document dated April 1861, sold for $471,000.
- A signed first edition copy of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, sold for $593,750.
Because Lincoln's enduring legacy and popularity means you don't have to worry about the future.
His signature will always be valuable to collectors.
Own this stunning document today.

They have the right look. The right feel.
And a deep sense of history that instantly transports you.
As I said, it can be hard to put that feeling into words sometimes. But you instinctively know it when you see it.
This document is truly one of those pieces.
It's a beautiful piece of American history.
Signed by Abraham Lincoln, the nation's greatest President.
A grand survivor of the U.S Civil War, still intact after 161 years, and ready to take pride of place in your collection.
It's available for you to purchase today.
The price is just £12,000.
And you have 3 simple ways to place your order.
- Click 'Buy now' to shop in our online store
- Email info@paulfrasercollectibles.com
- Or call us on +44 (0) 1534 639 998
Purchase this document now.
Your personal guarantee
You can place your order today in complete confidence.
Because this superb document comes with:
- Free global delivery
- A Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity
- And a Paul Fraser Collectibles Certificate of Authenticity
It's also covered by our 28-day returns policy.
So if you decide it's not right for you, you're free to return it - no questions asked.
I've been helping clients build their collections for 45 years.
So if you have any questions about this piece, get in touch today.
Email me now at info@paulfrasercollectibles.com.
Or call me on +44 (0) 1534 639 998.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for reading,
Paul Fraser.
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