Postage Stamps

Baden-Powell Mafeking stamp hammers for $56,500 at Spink
The Baden-Powell stamp was issued during the siege of Mafeking in the Boer War

3c imperforate playing card revenue stamp to make $40,000?
The 3c imperforate playing card is to highlight a sale at Robert A Siegel

1917 Kodbo cover discovery to auction for $154,000
A newly discovered cover from Kodbo, Mongolia to Peking leads Zurich Asia's upcoming auction

1874 US postal stationary to auction with $23,000 minimum bid
The 1874 US postal stationary cut square will feature in a March 18 sale

Unique Charleston provisional block leads Calhoun auction at $15,000
A unique block of 15 5-cent Charleston Postmaster's Provisional stamps starred at Siegel

Southern Letter Unpaid cover up 31% on estimate
The Southern Letter Unpaid cover sold for $52,000 at Robert A Siegel

Baden-Powell Mafeking stamp to auction with $75,000 estimate
The stamp was produced during the siege of Mafeking and depicts Baden-Powell

Canada 2c Large Queen stamp makes record $427,000 at Brigham Auctions
The 1868 2c Large Queen on laid paper has set a new record for a Canadian stamp

British Guiana stamp essays will lead Foxley auction at $13,500
The Foxley Collections of British Guiana and Honduras star 1911 �25 stamp essays

Tasmania 1858 6d Lilac block auctions for $8,234 at Mossgreen
The largest known Tasmania 1858 6d Lilac on star watermark block has auctioned in Melbourne

Specialising = successful stamp collecting
Success in stamp collecting is usually due to a strong specialised collection