Great Britain 1913 2s6d-£1 "Seahorses" Specimens, SG400/403

SKU: JP2418

Sale price£5,000
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Great Britain 1913 2s6d-£1 "Seahorses" Specimens, SG400/403.

A very fine and fresh unused, with original gum, set of four printed by Waterlow, overprinted "SPECIMEN" type 26.

A very rare set of Specimen stamps of the most famous of the King George V stamp issues. Particularly scarce in such fine quality.

GB Specialised Catalogue Nos: N63(2)s, N66(1)s, N69(1)t & N72(1)t.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: £6,050.

  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email

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