
All Collectibles

2925 products

Showing 1633 - 1656 of 2925 products
SAMOA 1877-80 'EXPRESS' 1s dull yellow, SG7
SARAWAK 1948 Royal Silver Wedding 8c and $5, SG165/6
SARAWAK 1934-41 $1 to$10 six values, SG120/5
ST LUCIA 1946 Victory 1d and 3½d Specimens, SG142s/3s
ST LUCIA 1921-30 set of 15 to 5s SPECIMENS, SG91s/105s
Newfoundland 1857-64 8d scarlet-vermilion, SG8
Newfoundland 1910 set of 11 to 15c, SG95/105
Newfoundland 1932-38 2c green, SG223ca
Newfoundland 1932-38 2c green, SG223ca
Sale price£475
In stock
Newfoundland 1862-64 6d rose-lake, SG20
Newfoundland 1862-64 6d rose-lake, SG20
Sale price£650
In stock
MALAYA JAPANESE OCCUPATION 1942 Straits Settlements 3c green, SGJ149a
MALAYSIA - PAHANG 1935-41 6c scarlet, SG34
North Borneo Labuan 1896 Jubilee 1c black and grey-mauve error, SG83/c
North Borneo Labuan 1879 16c blue Specimen, SG4
Gibraltar 1904-08 1d dull purple/red variety, SG57bw
FIJI 2006-08 Local provisional 20c on 6c 'Birds' error, SGF1331a
FIJI 2006-08 Local provisional 'Birds' 1c on 6c error, SGF1316a
FIJI 1917 4d black Postage Due, SGD5
FIJI 1917 4d black Postage Due, SGD5
Sale price£500
In stock
FIJI 1994 Easter 77c variety, SG891(w)
FIJI 1994 Easter 59c variety, SG890(w)
Fiji 1896 registered cover to Scotland, SG84/5
FIJI 1946 Victory 2½d green variety, SG268a
FIJI 1912-23 £1 purple and black/red, SG137a
FIJI 1876-77 1d blue on laid paper variety, SG31b