BRITISH LEVANT 1916 'Salonica' 1d scarlet (UNUSED), SGS2

SKU: JC1794

Sale price£325
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British Levant 1916 'Salonica' 1d scarlet, type S1 overprint, block of 4, SGS2.

Brilliant and fresh quality with original gum, (the lower pair are unmounted), with folded horizontal perforations as always seen.

Only 1,446 were sold of this issue and it is very scarce in a block.

Provenance: Includes Stanley Gibbons handstamps on reverse.

The term British Levant has been adopted by stamp collectors to describe the stamp issues from various British Post Offices within the former Turkish Empire.

These overprints of British stamps were originally prepared for use by a civilian post office to be set up on Mouth Athos, Northern Greece. When the project was abandoned, they were placed on sale at the Army Field office in Salonica.

  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email

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