Ceylon 1953-54 Courvoisier colour separation proofs, SG419/30

SKU: JP2439

Sale price£3,950
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Ceylon 1953-54 Courvoisier colour separation proofs for the ten later values of the 1951-54 definitive set to 10r (excluding the 10c and 35c values issued in 1951-52), SG419/30.

The unique archival record beautifully presented on six specially printed numbered (142, 152-3, 160-1, 182) and dated (7.8.53 to 28.12.53) album pages, comprising a total of 84 imperforate essays and proofs.

Typically in groups of three (separate frame and vignette plus complete design) for bicoloured values. The first three pages (including two examples of an unissued 20c value in the type 97 'Plantation' design, erroneously inscribed 'RUBER', 6c 'sets' x 2 in unadopted colours, a 6c 'set' in an unadopted design with small vignette, a 2r 'set' in the type 99 'Tea Plantation' design, and a 10r 'set' in the type 100 'Dam' design), show a Sinhalese inscription differing from that finally issued, and therefore represent 43 essays.

  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email info@paulfrasercollectibles.com

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