COOK ISLANDS - Aitutaki 1916-17 1s vermillion, SG14a/ab/d

SKU: JC1948

Sale price£750
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Cook Islands - Aitutaki 1916-17 King George V 1s vermilion, type 8 surcharge, perforations 14x14½, right marginal horizontal strip of 4 from R8/9-12, showing the three different 'No dot on i' varieties on R8/9 (SG 14ab), R8/11 (SG 14ad) and R8/12 (SG 14ac) se-tenant with a normal (R8/10), SG14a/ab/d.

Fresh mint quality with original gum, (R8/12 unmounted). Natural paper wrinkle affecting R8/11, but very fine appearance and a rare and fascinating item.

Only 80 sheets printed, yielding only 80 possible of SG 14ad (160 of SG 14ac, 240 of SG 14ab), with considerably fewer still surviving in this form.

A real philatelic gem.

Accompanied with a clear British Philatelic Association (BPA) certificate of authenticity (1988) as former SG14, 14c, 14d, 14e.

The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £962+.

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