FALKLAND ISLANDS Dependencies 1954-62 set of 15 to £1, SGG26/40

SKU: JC2015

Sale price£195
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Falkland Islands Dependencies 1954-62 'Ships' set of 15 to £1, SGG26/40.

A fine unmounted mint set with full original gum. Couple of trivial blemishes (1½d gum bend, 10s with a shortish perforation) mentioned purely for accuracy as still a fine set. Most values benefit further from being marginal examples.

A wonderful and attractive set of stamps representing miniature works of art.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: £225.

  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email info@paulfrasercollectibles.com

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