Fiji 1893 registered Walker cover to USA, SG83,85,93

SKU: JC1588

Sale price£495
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Fiji 1893 (15 SP), SG83,85,93, registered O.H.M.S. cover from Suva to San Francisco, franked at 10d (4d registration + 6d postage) by 1891-98 1d black, perforations 10x11¾, 2d green (horizontal pair) and 5d ultramarine, perforations 11x10, tied by three strikes of SUVA despatch circular date stamps, with further strike below. Face with "R" in oval handstamp, "2271" and "5490" registration numbers in blue, and endorsed by L.J. Walker (Chief Postmaster) at lower left. Backstamped at San Francisco (OCT 27).

A fine and attractive three-colour "Pirogue" cover and fascinating complex piece of postal history.

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