I.F.S. Jammu & Kashmir 1867 Kashmir 'old rectangular’ 1a black, SG89

SKU: RS3799

Sale price£4,750
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Indian Feudatory States Jammu & Kashmir 1867 (Apr) Kashmir 'old rectangular’ 1a black, Type 7, SG89.

A very fresh unused example printed on native paper for use solely in Kashmir.

Contemporary (official?) annotation on reverse just shows through. However, this is still a really fine example of this major rarity, with most examples found being in poor condition.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: £5,500.

The combined state of Jammu and Kashmir was a princely state in the Kashmir Residency in the north of India. The first issues were introduced between 1866 and 1879, during the reign of Maharaja Ranbir Singh who ruled over the state between 1857–1885.

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