KUT 1936 long airmail cover to South Africa, SG118a

SKU: JC2879

Sale price£550
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Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika 1936 (11 JY) long airmail cover to South Africa, attractively franked at 2s rate (50c per ½oz airmail postage x4) by 1935-37 20c black and orange, 30c black and blue, 50c bright purple and black and 1s black and green, the last being the scarce perforations 13x12 printing, all tied by three strikes of a Nairobi circular date stamp, SG118a.

A very fine cover, exceptionally clean and colourful. The 1s black and green is rarely found on cover.

A very attractive cover of choice quality.

  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email info@paulfrasercollectibles.com

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