Malaya Japanese Occupation 1942-4 Negri Sembilan 1c black error, SGJ266a/ba

SKU: JC2874

Sale price£1,250
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Malaya Japanese Occupation 1942-44 Negri Sembilan 1c black (on thin striated paper), type 2 Kanji overprint, complete sheet of 100 (10x10), ERROR OVERPRINT INVERTED, and showing error "sideways second character" on R5/8 (= R6/3 of the upright setting), SGJ266a/ba.

A splendid quality unmounted mint complete sheet with full original gum (typical gum browning). A few of the normal stamp have small faults, and the sheet is severed into two blocks of 50 (10x5).

Very fine appearance and a remarkable survival in this form. Even a single example of the overprint inverted with sideways second character is a rarity.

Accompanied with a clear Royal Philatelic Society (RPS) certificate of authenticity (1993).

The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £2,087+.

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