MALDIVE ISLANDS 1991 3r50 ON 2r60 'Dhoni' variety, SG1533a

SKU: JC2872

Sale price£295
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Maldive Islands 1991 (? Oct) Provisional surcharge 3r50 on 1985 2r60 'Dhoni', block of 10 (5x2) with full margins showing '1D' (x4) plate numbers and imprint, SG1533a.

A very fine unmounted mint block with full original gum.

This 'mystery' surcharge was first reported on the 2r70 value in Gibbons Stamp Monthly, April 1995 (p.86), and this stamp in Gibbons Stamp Monthly, November 2007 (p.124).

Slight toning but few appear to have survived in any form.

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