MALTA 1965-70 4d 'Knights of Malta' variety, SG336var

SKU: JC2226

Sale price£395
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Malta 1965-70 4d 'Knights of Malta', upper right corner block of 9, showing DRAMATIC 14MM DOWNWARD SHIFT OF SILVER causing 'KNIGHTS OF MALTA' to be partly superimposed on the country name, and resulting in '1A' plate number appearing in silver in upper margin, SG336var.

A superb unmounted mint positional block with original gum.

A spectacular printing variety and rare!

The printing variety is the result of two separate silver plates being used for the printing, one for "MALTA" and the other for "KNIGHTS OF MALTA", with the printing variety showing a severe misplacement of the latter.

  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email

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