Nauru 1916-23 10s indigo-blue "Seahorses", SG18

SKU: JP5758

Sale price£6,500
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Nauru 1916-23 10s indigo-blue "Seahorses", Waterlow printing, right marginal block of 4 from R7-8/3-4 on the sheet, with abnormal 'SPECIMEN' overprint (type GB26), SG18.

A brilliant unmounted mint marginal block of four with full original gum. A magnificent piece, perfectly centred and wonderfully fresh.

Keith Buckingham's book (p.24) notes that only six examples with this overprint (previously unknown and not recorded by Samuel) were released by the National Postal Museum in 1984, but this is a further block. By contrast there were 360 of the 'UPU' specimens with type BG23 overprint, with no blocks possible.

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Stanley Gibbons catalogue value for a single example: £11,000.

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