New Zealand 1899-1903 5d purple-brown plate proof, SG263

SKU: JC2863

Sale price£225
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New Zealand 1899-1903 5d purple-brown (towards sepia), Waterlow plate proof from the "colonial" plate, imperforate block of 4 on ungummed wove, no watermark, from R5/6/1-2 on sheet with roller flaws (especially on upper pair), SG263.

A fine quality and interesting block. R6/1 shows small fault at left, but remains a fine quality and rare piece.

An attractive early pictorial stamp from New Zealand featuring Otira Gorge and Mount Ruapehu.

Provenance: Ex Michael Burberry, on his elaborate display page.

  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email

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