NEW ZEALAND 1915-30 1½d grey-slate variety, SG431ca

SKU: JC2910

Sale price£495
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New Zealand 1915-30 1½d grey-slate, watermark 43, provisional issue on 'pictorial' paper, complete sheet of 120 (12x10) with partial plate number '14' (New Zealand Campbell Paterson catalogue value: $400), SG431ca.

There are some marginal annotations in red ink and the sheet is entirely unmounted mint with full original gum.

The sheet shows the second and seventh columns entirely without watermark, and perforations 14x13½ (top four rows) and 14x14½ (bottom six rows) se-tenant, giving SG431 x 30, SG431a x 6, SG431b x 50, SG431ba x 10, SG431c x 10 pairs, and SG431ca x 2 pairs.

Some minor imperfections as to be expected including marginal wrinkling and a few gum tone spots. Overall, very fine appearance and a remarkable and fascinating item for study.

The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £708+.

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