Samoa 1877-80 'EXPRESS' 5s yellow-green, SG19

SKU: RS1661

Sale price£2,400
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Samoa 1877-80 'EXPRESS' 5s yellow-green, SG19.

The yellow-green (towards deep green), third state, perforations 12, block of 4 from right end of sheet (R1-2/4-5).

Very fine mint block with original gum and with lovely fresh colour.

A rare multiple, being the first 5s block we have ever handled.

Provenance: 'H.G. & Co' (= Hugo Griebert) guarantee mark on reverse.

The first postal service in Samoa was organised by C.L. Griffiths, who had published the Fiji Times Express and needed a postal service for Samoa to distribute his new newspaper "Samoa Times".

The lithographic Express stamps were printed in Sydney, Australia by S.T. Leigh & Co., and the stamps were issued October 1, 1877 in time for the October 6th first printing and edition of the newspaper.

The Samoa Express service was discontinued late in 1881.

  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email

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