VIRGIN ISLANDS 1866 1d and 6d engraved die proofs, SG1,3

SKU: JC3116

Sale price£700
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Virgin Islands 1866 1d and 6d engraved die proofs, printed se-tenant in green on card (64x86mm) with very large margins on three sides, SG1,3.

A rare and beautiful philatelic item.

These became the first local stamp issues of the British Virgin Islands in 1866 featuring Saint Ursula. The islands were named by Christopher Columbus after Saint Ursula who, according to legend, had 11,000 virginal handmaidens.

The design is a real classic and these die proofs printed from the master die provide very high quality examples of this glorious stamp.

A similar proof from the William Frazer collection realised £1,000 at auction in 2004.

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