
Sierra Leone stamps

British Empire and Commonwealth postage stamps

1326 products

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products
12 results
Sierra Leone 1965 Churchill (30c) on 6d Climbing Lily, error, SG374bSierra Leone 1965 Churchill (30c) on 6d Climbing Lily, error, SG374b
SIERRA LEONE 1963 Independence 11s on £1 black and orange, SG269
Sierra Leone 1903 £1 purple/red, SG85
Sierra Leone 1903 £1 purple/red, SG85
Sale price£325
In stock
SIERRA LEONE 1933 Wilberforce ½d, 1d, 1½d, SG168/70
SIERRA LEONE 1965 Margai 15c on ½d Fireball Lily, error, SG373b
SIERRA LEONE 1965 Air 15c on ½d error, SG373a
SIERRA LEONE 1965 3c on 3d Beniseed error, SG367b
SIERRA LEONE 1935 Silver Jubilee 1s slate and purple, variety, SG184a
SIERRA LEONE 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4 to 1s SPECIMENS, SG181s/4s
SIERRA LEONE 1897 2½d on 1s dull lilac, SG64
Sierra Leone 1935 5d green and indigo Silver Jubilee variety, SG183/c