China 1900-06 set of 13 to $5 myrtle and salmon, without watermark, SG121/33

SKU: RS2398

Sale price£1,500
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CHINA 1900-06 set of 13 to $5 myrtle and salmon, without wmk, SG121/33.

A fine unused complete set, generally heavily hinged with small to large part original gum, but exceptionally fresh and attractive.

Initially 110 reams of watermarked paper were supplied to the printers of this issue, Messrs Waterlow & Sons. After this paper was exhausted, the stamps were printed on plain paper, with the first printing on unwatermarked paper in August 1899. The new plain paper used was slightly thicker and far more opaque.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: £2,500.

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