China 1950 PRC General Issues 1950 surcharges on Sun Yat-sen NEP issue, SG1436/49ex

SKU: JP5803

Sale price£275
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China 1950 (July) People's Republic of China General Issues 1950 surcharges on Sun Yat-sen North Eastern Provinces issue, basic set of 14 to $400 on $300, excluding SG1440a, SG1442a and SG1443a, SG1436/49ex.

A fine used set each fine used by a Tientsin circular date stamp for '50.8.26'

A scarce set of stamps.

Sun Yat-sen (12 November 1866 - 12 March 1925) was a Chinese politician, physician and philosopher who provisionally served as the first president of the Republic of China. He’s called the "Father of the Nation".

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