China 1967-68 Poem's of Mao Tse-tung set of 14, SG2372/85

SKU: RS1704

Sale price£3,500
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China 1967-68 People's Republic China (PRC) general issues Poem's of Mao Tse-tung set of 14, SG2372/85.

A very fine and fresh unmounted mint set with full original gum,.

A very scarce and popular set of stamps.

Chairman Mao regularly, at this time, used stamps as a form of propaganda.

Chairman Mao was the first Chairman of the Communist Party and leader of the People's Republic of China for nearly 30 years. He started writing poetry in the 1920s, during the Red Army's epic retreat during the Long March of 1934-36 and after coming to power in 1949. His poems are generally considered well-written and of high literary quality. He is considered to be a romantic poet, with many of Mao's poems being frequently quoted in popular culture.

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