Great Britain 1840 1d black plate 2, SG2

SKU: JC3314

Sale price£150,000
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Widely regarded as the finest used Penny Black multiple

Great Britain 1840 1d black plate 2, block of eight lettered 'QI-RL', beautifully tied to a small piece, each stamp with a crisp and perfectly struck scarlet-vermilion Maltese Cross, SG2.

A magnificent block featuring the world's first postage stamp. Widely regarded as the finest used multiple of the penny black from this plate or any other plate.

Without a doubt, the most visually appealing used block of penny blacks we have ever handled and a magnificent exhibition piece.

This iconic philatelic gem last appeared for sale on the market when it was offered by Stanley Gibbons in their monthly price list in 2010 for a price of £225,000.

Plate 2 was first registered on 22 April 1840 and was therefore amongst the first penny blacks issued on 6th May 1840.

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