Great Britain 1841 1d deep red brown Plate 45 imprimatur, SG8var

SKU: RS5751

Sale price£4,500
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Great Britain 1841 1d deep red brown Plate 45 imprimatur, SG8var.

A superb unused top right hand corner marginal imperforate imprimatur lettered 'AL', showing part sheet inscription and plate number "45".

A rare and exceptionally high quality example of the famous penny red from the first approved printing sheet.

Provenance: Ex. Colonel Bates (1934).

Plate 45 was put to press and registered on 29 February 1844. It was withdrawn on 11 September 1844 and destroyed on 27 February 1845. 

  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email

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