Great Britain 1919 Express Air Mail, SG372,413a

SKU: RS6386

Sale price£1,500
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Great Britain 1919 Express Air Mail, SG372,413a.

A superb example flown at the 2s 8½d per ½oz rate pre-paid with a 2½d blue and a 2s6d olive-brown both tied by Parliament St. circular date stamps for 'NO.10.1919'.

A very fine cover flown on the AT&T (Air Transport and Travel Ltd) inaugural flight, flown on a De Havilland DH4a piloted by J. McMullin, which was scheduled to leave on the 10th but delayed by fog until the 11th. This short lived AT&T service was beset with operational costs and terminated in May 1920.

Aircraft Transport and Travel Limited was a British airline formed during the First World War, a subsidiary of Airco. It was the first airline to operate a regular international flight (between London and Paris). It is the oldest predecessor of British Airways.  In November 1919, it won the first British civil airmail contract.

An extremely important piece of airmail postal history. Discover more here. 

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