
Gift ideas under £1,000

843 products

Showing 625 - 648 of 843 products
MALTA 1965-70 2s 'Gozo Civic Council' error, SG343b
MALTA 1965-70 4d 'Knights of Malta' variety, SG336var
FIJI 1912 £3 on £1 purple and black/red REVENUES
CYPRUS 1881 6pi olive-grey, SG15
CYPRUS 1881 6pi olive-grey, SG15
Sale price£350
In stock
MALTA 1965-70 2s 'Gozo Civic Council' error, SG343b
NEW ZEALAND 1915-27 8d red-brown Official, SGO103
MALTA 1965-70 1s6d 'Self-government' variety, SG342var
Nigeria (Lagos) 1874-75 1s orange, SG8a
Nigeria (Lagos) 1874-75 1s orange, SG8a
Sale price£395
In stock
FIJI 1912 £3 on £1 purple and black/red REVENUES
CYPRUS 1882 ½ on ½pi emerald green, SG23
PAKISTAN 1949-53 6a blue 'Karachi Port Trust' Proof, SG48
PAKISTAN 1948-56 15r blue-green 'Khyber Pass' Proof, SG42
PAKISTAN 1948-56 'Khyber Pass" set of proofs, SG41/3
PAKISTAN 1948-56 3½a bright blue 'Lloyds Barrage' Proof, SG32
PAKISTAN 1948-56 2½a green 'Lloyds Barrage' Proof, SG30
NYASALAND 1938-44 £1 purple and black on red, variety, SG143c
NYASALAND 1938-44 10s bluish green and brown-red/pale green, SG142a
NYASALAND 1913-19 £1 purple and black/red variety, SG98c
NORTHERN NIGERIA 1910-11 set of 11 to 10s SPECIMEN, SG28s/39s
NIGER COAST 1894 '½' on left half of 1d pale blue, SG58d
NIGER COAST 1893 'HALF PENNY.' on 2½d purple/blue, SG31
NEW ZEALAND 1910-16 8d indigo-blue Official, SGO76cw
NEW ZEALAND 1960-66 3d 'Kowhai' error, SG785b