John Lennon autographed Christmas card

SKU: PT1437

Sale price£11,995
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  • A John Lennon autographed Christmas card
  • Featuring a remarkable and highly rare family portrait

This incredibly rare Christmas card was sent by John Lennon and Yoko Ono to close friends and family members in 1978.

The front features a printed reproduction of a childhood drawing by Sean Lennon, with his name printed on the reverse.

The card measures 7.5 x 8.5 when opened and is in fine condition, with a small piece of clear tape to the inner right edge.

Inside John Lennon signs on behalf of himself and his family, “John, Yoko, Sean,” in crisp black ink.

And beneath each name he has drawn a charming caricature sketch.

Lennon often signed autographs for fans with sketches of himself and Yoko.

But sketches including their son Sean are almost unheard of, which makes this card a highly rare and desirable collector's item.

When Lennon signed the card in 1978, he was in the middle of a five-year hiatus from his music career.

He had retired in 1975 to raise his son Sean full-time. And as such, this card represents a true reflection of John Lennon as a devoted family man in the later years of his life.

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