Great Britain 1840 1d Mulready Envelope (Forme 3 Stereo A161), SGME2

SKU: JP5223

Sale price£3,250
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Great Britain 1840 1d Mulready Envelope (Forme 3 Stereo A161), SGME2.

A very fine used example sent from Limerick to Newcastle, County Down neatly cancelled by a crisp strike of the distinctive Limerick Maltese Cross in black.

Back-stamped by a Limerick dispatch circular date stamp for AP.5 1841, and a Newcastle arrival circular date stamp for the following day showing an unusual variety where the "N" of Newcastle is reversed.

Rockoff and Jackson 'Encyclopedia of the Maltese Cross' record only one other Mulready with the distinctive cancellation. A most attractive and exceedingly rare Irish usage.

Accompanied with a 2013 Royal Philatelic Society (RPS) Certificate of Authenticity.

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