A Perkins Bacon perforation trials exhibition showpiece of the utmost rarity
Great Britain 1860 1d red-brown Plate 10, (Perkins Bacon perforation trial), SG16var.
A superb unused, with original gum, right hand marginal block of ten lettered 'BH-CL'.
The Perkins Bacon perforation trials used the balance of a sheet of the imperforate 1d red-brown, Plate 10, left over from the creation of postal notices in 1841. These were used by printers, Perkins Bacon for a perforation experiment in 1860.
The perforations measuring 11-12½ were used in the early 1860s for stamps of Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada, St Vincent and Turks Islands.
A stunning exhibition showpiece of the utmost rarity.
Only this block of ten, an adjoining strip of five lettered 'DH-DL' Ex. (Ex. Daisy) and a block of four on cover from Hertford (Royal Philatelic Collection) are known to exist.
Provenance: Ex "Verus".
BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email info@paulfrasercollectibles.com