New Zealand 1930 series of 36 die proofs (SGF145/68a)

SKU: PT835

Sale price£25,000
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New Zealand 1930 Series of thirty-six stamp-size die proofs in black on glazed card for the 1931-40 'Arms' postal fiscal issue, affixed to two ledger pages (numbered '261' and '262') and headed 'NEW ZEALAND / STAMP DUTIES', each proof handstamped 'CANCELLED' in RED and numbered below, arranged in groups according to the different side-panel designs as follows:

'DESIGN No. 1' commencing with an original undenominated master proof for the whole series with uncleared value tablets and side-panels, a master proof showing side-panels, 'SIXPENCE' at foot and uncleared value tablet at top, and four completed proofs for the 1s3d, 2s6d, 7s6d and 12s6d values;

'DESIGN No. 2' comprising two master proofs showing side-panels, 'SHILLINGS' at foot and uncleared value tablet at top, and eleven completed proofs for the 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 15s, 25s, 30s and 35s values;

'DESIGN No. 3' comprising master proof showing side-panels, 'TEN SHILLINGS' at foot and uncleared value tablet at top, and three completed proofs for the £2.10, £3.10 and £4.10 values;

'DESIGN No. 4' comprising master proof showing side-panels, 'POUNDS' at foot and uncleared value tablet at top, and ten completed proofs for the £1, £2, £3, £4, £5, £6, £7, £8, £9, £10 values;

'DESIGN No. 5' comprising two master proofs showing side-panels and undenominated value tablets at top and foot (one with uncleared value tablets and the other with cleared value tablets, this last intended to allow the production of additional values via locally produced duty plates, as with SG 700, 825 and F212/6).

Although the stamps were printed by the Government Printing Office, Wellington, the original dies and plates were produced by the Royal Mint.

A unique and magnificent series of the utmost importance, never previously available to collectors.

From the recently discovered proof book presented to Royal Mint engraver H.A.Richardson on his retirement (when the red 'CANCELLED' handstamp was applied).

[The Postage Stamps of New Zealand vol 1, pp.514-5 refers to the Royal Mint engraving steel dies and making 32 electrotype plates. This probably relates to 28 denominated values, and four partly denominated ('AND SIXPENCE', 'SHILLINGS', 'TEN SHILLINGS' and 'POUNDS') values.

N.B. It should be pointed out that the reverses of the two ledger pages remain intact, and comprise '260' with nine Irish 'income tax' die proofs and '263' with an important range of twelve NZ 1938 postal stationery die proofs, each with the same 'CANCELLED' handstamp.]

Provenance: An ex Stanley Gibbons stock item.

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  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email

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