I.F.S. Bundi 1918 12a blackish-green variety, SG53b/ba

SKU: JC3301

Sale price£250
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Indian Feudatory States Bundi 1918 12a blackish-green tablet Type D on thin wove paper, Benns setting 17, as complete sheet showing printing variety "4th character turned to left instead of downwards" on position 4, SG53b/ba.

A very fine mint sheet.

An interesting sheet with the unusual printing variety.

The Sacred Cow stamp feature the Raja protecting Sacred Cows and were issued by the small city state of Bundi in North West India from 1914 to 1941. They are a popular issue of philatelic study with the method of production changing regularly during their period of issue.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: £310+.

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