
Stamp errors

229 products

Showing 97 - 120 of 229 products
MALTA 1965-70 8d 'British rule' error, SG339b
MALTA 1965-70 8d 'British Rule' error, SG339a
BRITISH GUIANA 1940-55 2c black Postage Dues, error, SGD2a/ab
BERMUDA 1970-75 5c 'Poinsettia' error, SG253var
Great Britain 1969 9d British ships error, SG779ab
Great Britain 1969 British Cathedrals error, SG801aGreat Britain 1969 British Cathedrals error, SG801a
Great Britain 1973 5p British Explorers error, SG925bGreat Britain 1973 5p British Explorers error, SG925b
Great Britain 1963 3d Red Cross Centenary Congress (Ordinary) error, SG642aGreat Britain 1963 3d Red Cross Centenary Congress (Ordinary) error, SG642a
Great Britain 1967 3d Christmas error, SG756b
Barbados 1988 Cricket 50c error, SG856a
Barbados 1988 Cricket 50c error, SG856a
Sale price£2,250
In stock
Sudan Official. 1936-46 1m black and orange, error opt double SG132a
Great Britain 2004 47p Classic Locomotives error, SG2421a
Australia 1966-73 deep blue error, SG386cbAustralia 1966-73 deep blue error, SG386cb
Australia 1966-73 deep blue error, SG386cb
Sale price£5,500
In stock
Great Britain 1969 British Cathedrals error, SG801a
Great Britain 1972 3p Christmas error, SG914e
Great Britain 1969 British Cathedrals 1s6d error, SG801a
Great Britain 1970 5d Literary Anniversaries error, SG824ab
FIJI 2009 Local provisional 5c on 23c 'Fruit dove' error, SGF1359a
MALTA 1965-70 4d 'Knights of Malta' error, SG336a
DOMINICA 1951 1c black and vermilion error, SG121c
TANZANIA 1970-73 5c on glazed paper Official error, SGO32b
Great Britain 1991 22p Ninth World Congress of Roses error, SG1568aGreat Britain 1991 22p Ninth World Congress of Roses error, SG1568a
Great Britain 1978 9p Christmas error, SG1072a