China 1948 North East Provinces $500,000 on $5,000,000 grey-lilac Parcel Post, SGP84

SKU: RS3858

Sale price£500
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China 1948 (Oct) North East Provinces $500,000 on $5,000,000 grey-lilac, Peiping Central Print, Parcel Post, SGP84, Chan NEP7.

A fine cancelled to order used block of 4 by Shanghai circular date stamp for '14.12.48'

Very rare in this quality and as a block of four.

This Parcel Post stamp was not officially issued in unused condition.

Stamps were overprinted for use in these North Eastern Provinces because the currency there had lost about 70% of its value. They were used in Liaoning, the third province of Manchuria as well as in Kirin and Heilungkiang.

On 5 January 1948 the Communist commander, Lin Piao, began his eighth offensive and isolated Changchun and Mukden; in a final offensive Changchun fell on 20 October and Mukden ten days later. By 5 November 1948 the Nationalists had lost the North-East.

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