China 1899 (Shanghai) Wei Hai Wei Courier Post: 2c dull scarlet and 5c yellowish green, SG3/4

SKU: RS2337

Sale price£1,000
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China 1899 (Shanghai) Wei Hai Wei Courier Post: 2c dull scarlet and 5c yellowish green, Litho printing, perforations 11, SG3/4.

The 2c is fine mint with large part original gum. The 5c is fine and fresh unused with tissue interleaving adhering to gum.

Wei Hai-Wei is located in Shantung Province. Along with the nearby island of Liu Kung Tau, it was leased to Great Britain in July 1898. The postal services there were inadequate and G.L. Ferguson of Conabe & Co. introduced an overland courier post to Chefoo. Although Wei Hai-Wei was not a Treaty port its stamps are collected with the issues of those ports.

The Wei Hai-Wei courier post closed in March 1899 when a Chinese Imperial Post Office opened there.

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