Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 9 pair on Registered Cover, SG2

SKU: JP5717

Sale price£15,000
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Great Britain 1841 (3 Feb) wrapper to Bakewell bearing 1d black, plate 9, horizontal pair, lettered 'AH-AI', (deep shade small to large margins just cut into foot of AH), SG2.

Tied by watery strikes of dull red Maltese Cross and marked Registered letter No. 247 and rate mark 1 shilling for registration. Oily strike of Liverpool despatch circular date stamp on reverse.

A fine quality cover for this type and well conserved. There is a vertical folding crease which runs through 'AH'.

An important and early registered letter and unique as the only known multiple of the Penny Black on registered mail. One other Registered cover exists with four single 1d blacks.

Accompanied with a British Philatelic Association (BPA) certificate of authenticity (2003).

Provenance: Ex Alan Holyoake RDP FRPSL Grand Prix Collection of British and International Registered Mail. 

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