I.F.S. JAMMU & KASHMIR c.1880a ½a red on thin wove diagonally bisected ¼a, SG126a

SKU: JC3280

Sale price£6,950
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Indian Feudatory States Jammu and Kashmir c.1880s ½a red on thin wove diagonally bisected ¼a used on piece in combination with India ½a blue-green, struck by Leh (Ladakh) single circle despatch mark for '29 JUL', SG126a.

A very fine used example and extremely scarce in such fine condition. There are no known mint examples.

These bisects were made during a shortage of the ¼a stamps at Leh. It is believed that only a handful of covers or cards survive. This is the first time we have enjoyed the privilege of handling this major Indian States rarity.

Provenance: Ex Harmers T.D. Eames collection Lot 118, 1996.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: £10,000.

The issues of the Princely States of India, Jammu and Kashmir are renowned for their number of great rarities and most desirable classics. The Princely States of India are considered the most obscure and challenging to collect. Partly thanks to the active India Study Circle for Philately, they have been growing dramatically in popularity and demand in recent years.

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