I.F.S. Kishangarh 1917-18 8a violet Official, SGO22

SKU: JC3303

Sale price£850
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Indian Feudatory States Kishangarh 1917-18 8a violet Official (from 1904-05 issue) type O1 handstamp in black, SGO22.

A fine lightly used horizontal strip of three.

A fine, attractive and rare multiple.

The stamp features Maharaja Madan Singh. In 1892 Madan Singh, aged eight, succeeded his father as Maharaja of Kishangarh, a state of 858 square miles in Rajuputana. Later he was invited by Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, to be one of the five founder members of the Imperial Cadet Corps and served with the Indian Expeditionary Force in World War I.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: £1,125+.

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