Winston Churchill signed document and original press photographs

SKU: PT1050

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  • A document signed by one of the most significant world leaders in 20th century history

Winston Churchill (1874 –1965) was a politician and statesman who twice served as British Prime Minister, and is regarded as one of the most influential people in British history.

Churchill led Britain to victory against Nazi Germany during WWII, with his regular speeches and broadcasts inspiring resistance against Adolf Hitler during the darkest days of the conflict.

In 1963 he became the first person to be declared an honorary citizen of the United States, and following his death in 1965 he was granted a state funeral by Queen Elizabeth II to mark his service to the nation.

In addition to his political career, Churchill was a renowned writer and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953.

He was also an accomplished painter, and his paintings remain highly sought-after by collectors today.

This document relates to the naturalization of a Russian immigrant and his family prior to WWI.

Certificates of Naturalization could be issued to any 'alien' who had lived in Britain for more than five years.

These applications were then signed off personally by the Secretary of State for the Home Office, a role to which Churchill was promoted in 1910.

At just 35 years old, he was the second-youngest politician in British history to ever hold the position.

The two-page document is dated September 16, 1911, and bears Churchill's signature on the second page.

The document includes pencil annotations in the top right corners of both sheets, and has minor soiling.

Also included is a collection of 15 original wartime press photographs featuring Winston Churchill on several occasions.

The black and white photographs come in different sizes, and feature their original press captions pasted onto the rear.

A superb collection of items relating to the 20th century's 'Greatest Briton'

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