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A powerful name. A perfect autograph.
I received this rare first-edition book yesterday.And the timing of the delivery was uncanny.Because it's a biography of a truly great man. The ve...

How to start your own stamp collection this year
2024 is a great time to start your own stamp collection. Whatever your route into the hobby, philately is a deeply involving passtime. It illuminat...

How do I know if my stamp is valuable?
You have a stamp, and you want to know what it’s worth. What is the value of my stamp? We get asked this question all the time. There is a short an...

Famous stamp collections throughout history
As soon as the first stamps were issued stamp collecting began. I’m always delighted and surprised by the foresightedness of those first collectors...

10 Golden Age Hollywood stars with super-rare autographs
Hollywood autographs are always in demand.
Though the industry is a very different one from that which sprung up around the world famous Hollywood ...

New: a signed photo from an American legend
Today's new stock item is an instant home run.I'm excited to offer it, because I know just how good it is.It's a signed photo from the most famous ...

How to get the most money when you sell your sports autographs
Let's say you're an established sports autograph collector.
You may find yourself with duplicates. Or pieces you'd like to upgrade to better quali...

Should you grade your sports autographs before you sell?
Every sports autograph collector will come to a time where selling is part of their collection management.
There are all sorts of reasons why you m...

The ultimate guide to collecting authentic Hollywood autographs
I love Golden Age Hollywood movies.
I could watch Humphrey Bogart all day.
Sometimes I do.
I would probably have to pay over £1,000 to get a good...

Beyond legends: lesser-known 60s acts for your rock collection
Everyone collects The Beatles. But, how about Mersey Beat acts? Look beyond legends for your rock memorabilia collection and you'll find rich avenu...

Top 5 most valuable Hollywood autographs sold at auction
Top 5 most valuable Hollywood autographs sold at auction
Spotting the most valuable Hollywood autographs is no easy matter.
Why the name of one st...

Beginner’s guide to investing in celebrity autographs: dos and don’ts
It's never been easier to invest in celebrity autographs.
Even as a beginner, you can have the start of an impressive collection in the time it ta...