PAKISTAN BAHAWALPUR 1949 UPU set of 4 to 2½a Officials, SGO28/31

SKU: JC2846

Sale price£750
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Pakistan Bahawalpur 1949 Anniversary of Universal Postal Union set of 4 to 2½a Officials, in complete IMPERFORATE sheets of 50 (5x10), each with plate numbers '1A 1A' (except 1a '1B 1B') and imprint at foot, SGO28/31.

Fine quality entire unmounted mint sheets with full original gum. Odd minor wrinkles, as to be expected, which do not detract.

Very rare sheets in this form including 9p black and green, 1a black and magenta, 1½a black and orange and 2½a black and orange.

N.B. These imperforate stamps are now known on commercial cover.

Bahawalpur, a former feudatory state situated to the west of the Punjab, was briefly independent following the partition of India on 15 August 1947. It then acceded to Pakistan on 3 October of the same year.

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