PAKISTAN BAHAWALPUR 1949 UPU set of 4 to 2½a Officials, SGO28/31var

SKU: JC2845

Sale price£375
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Pakistan Bahawalpur 1949 Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union set of 4 to 2½a in MATCHING IMPERFORATE UPPER HALF-SHEETS of 25, SGO28/31var.

A very fine unmounted mint set of half-sheets with full original gum

A most attractive philatelic assembly and very rare in this form, particularly in such pristine condition.

SG Catalogue Value: £528+ as twelve sets of pairs.

N.B. These imperforate stamps are now known on commercial cover.

Bahawalpur, a former feudatory state situated to the west of the Punjab, was briefly independent following the partition of India on 15 August 1947. It then acceded to Pakistan on 3 October of the same year.

  • BUY NOW: Order online, by phone +44 (0)1534 639 998, or via email

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