VIRGIN ISLANDS 1867 4d lake-red on pale rose paper, variety, SG15/var

SKU: JC2894

Sale price£1,250
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Virgin Islands 1867-70 4d lake-red on pale rose paper, complete sheet of 25, R3/1 showing the constant frame break at upper right, SG15/var.

A fine complete mint sheet with original gum. Slight reinforcement at top and bottom, and odd tone specks on gum, but lovely fresh appearance with 20 stamps unmounted mint.

A rare and beautiful philatelic showpiece of the first and most famous stamp issue from the British Virgin Islands. The stamp features a depiction of Saint Ursula who, according to legend, had 11,000 virginal handmaidens, after whom the islands had been named.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: £1,375+.

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