VIRGIN ISLANDS 1887-89 1s brown, SG41

SKU: JC2893

Sale price£850
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Virgin Islands 1887-89 1s brown, watermark CA, complete sheet of 24 (8x3), SG41.

A fine mint complete sheet with original gum. The sheet was severed and rejoined between the fourth and fifth columns and shows very minor marginal blemishes and trivial gum tones. Regardless, the sheet is overall in fine condition with lovely fresh appearance.

A rare and attractive item in this form. The "Virgin" stamp issues have long been adored by collectors. The stamp features a depiction of Saint Ursula who, according to legend, had 11,000 virginal handmaidens, after whom the islands had been named.

The Stanley Gibbons catalogue value is £1,080+.

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